Charles Bruner, director of the Child and Family Policy Center, presented on the role of public sector health funding for HMG at the fourth annual HMG National Forum.
Showing Results 531 - 540 of 600
Showing Results 531 - 540 of 600
Charles Bruner, director of the Child and Family Policy Center, presented on the role of public sector health funding for HMG at the fourth annual HMG National Forum.
Help Me Grow Utah shares data around call time and quantity over five years of operation of the Centralized Access Point.
Funding profiles from HMG Orange County, California; HMG Connecticut, and HMG South Carolina.
HMG 2013 Progress Report: Help Me Grow has contributed to the national discussion on system building in support of children’s optimal development. This document includes affiliates responses to the question: To what extent has your HMG affiliate’s activity influenced this discussion...
This 2014 report explores the following questions: How much is the program doing? How well is Help Me Grow CT doing? Is anyone better off as a result of utilizing Help Me Grow CT? It also examines Help Me Grow CT’s Ages & Stages Child...
Meet Community Champion Ann Monroe, the president of the Health Foundation for Western and Central New York, which helps fund HMG Western New York: “These are very tight economic times. Every dollar spent duplicating services means one dollar less to...
State Policy Update California Releases Report on the Condition of Children Birth to Five and Status of Early Childhood Services in Its State California recently released a meta-analysis of existing early childhood services developed by the American Institutes for Research....
The Child Health and Development Institute of Connecticut hosted a First 1000 Days: Off to a Healthy Start forum at the State Capitol on October 19, 2012. An accompanying briefing paper entitled “Connecticut’s Children: Off to a Healthy Start,” includes...
Materials Referenced in Webinar HMG-Connecticut’s 2012 Networking Meeting Calendar
Click Here for Webinar Presentation Slides Click Here for Webinar Recording Materials Referenced in Webinar Click Here for HMG-Connecticut’s 2012 Networking Meeting Calendar Posted 10/10/2012