Description: Help Me Grow can be a great way to support both Part B and Part C of Early Intervention in your state. Help Me Grow Michigan has launched a new Pilot Project to support increased Child Find numbers for...
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Description: Explore how Help Me Grow Florida, a multi-system state, collects and utilizes data to drive the creation of reports and continuous quality improvement plans. Presenters: Ashley Houk Help Me Grow Florida/Children’s Forum Data Coordinator Watch the Session Recording View...
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From the Center for Health Care Strategies, a brief overview of the efforts among five states (Alaska, Illinois, Oklahoma, Nevada, North Dakota) to align Medicaid and early childhood systems over the course of 18 months.
What does it mean to lead Help Me Grow at the state-level? What is the role about and what does it look like in action? How can we apply this knowledge to improve and expand Help Me Grow efforts going...
Session Description Stable funding is the holy grail of non-profit/government initiatives. Given the variety of HMG affiliates, many funding structures are possible. The session will ask: What is the ideal funding structure for local HMG systems operating in New York...
The 12th Annual HMG National Virtual Forum consisted of four half-days of presentations, featuring 107 speakers and 72 sessions. Co-hosted by Help Me Grow Indiana, the agenda featured HMG affiliate-led content sessions, national speakers, poster presentations, and networking opportunities....
Session Description Help Me Grow Oregon’s funding from Oregon’s system of Coordinated Care Organizations (CCOs) offers a unique model for HMG affiliates to expand implementation. The coordinated care model was first implemented in CCOs. A CCO is a network of...
The Early Childhood Comprehensive Systems: Health Integration Prenatal-to-Three Program (ECCS) from Health Resources & Services Administration Maternal & Child Health Bureau (HRSA MCHB) aims to help states to build integrated maternal and early childhood systems of care that are equitable,...
Transforming pediatrics to support population health Can redesigning pediatric primary care improve child and adult health? A new report and accompanying policy brief from CHDI and the Connecticut Health Foundation make the case for redesigning pediatric primary care to play a...