Session Description Help Me Grow Inland Empire will highlight learnings from regional HMG, outline three critical success factors and supportive data, and will provide insight on how to sustain expanded Centralized Access Point services that include addressing the social needs...
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A HMG affiliate since 2010, HMG Washington is committed to diversity, equity, inclusion, belonging, and justice. As the state-level Organizing Entity for HMG Washington, WithinReach provides support to an expanding number of local HMG systems in the state. In April...
What does it mean to lead Help Me Grow at the state-level? What is the role about and what does it look like in action? How can we apply this knowledge to improve and expand Help Me Grow efforts going...
Session Description This session walks through continued connection with family’s post-pandemic. Diving into how Help Me Grow Indiana collaborated with its CDC: Learn the Signs Act Early Ambassador and local early childhood partner Spark Early Learning, learn how Help Me...
Session Description: Aligning data and technology to achieve system goals is a foundational challenge for improving systems of care. Developing a Data-Information-Knowledge-Action-Results (DIKAR) Pathway can align system goals and the data needed to drive improvement. Attendees will exit the session...
Help Me Grow North Texas shared this job posting for a regional or state director position.
Help Me Grow North Texas shared this job description for a HMG program director position.
Session Description: Explore how the HMG Model is being applied to build state-level prenatal/early childhood (PEC) systems across the country and identify strategies for promoting HMG as an optimal approach in your own state. Through this session, we will address...
Session Description: The Help Me Grow (HMG) National Center has worked closely with Manatt Health to design a Return on Investment (ROI) Calculator and Business Case for the HMG Model and Affiliate Network as a means to assist HMG affiliates...
Advancing the Full Potential of Help Me Grow As our National Network and National Center continue to expand rapidly, we want to acknowledge this important moment of growth and opportunity. Collectively, we have made significant progress toward shared goals laid...