This HMG 101 presentation slide deck: Provides a level-set around why a solution like HMG is so needed; Introduces the HMG Model; Walks through the Core Components, Key Activities, and Structural Requirements of the Model; Highlights HMG’s unique value propositions...
Screening & Surveillance Archives
FEDM is defined as an intentional partnership of families and providers working to highlight a child’s developmental progress and identify opportunities for support and education for positive outcomes. The three essential attributes of FEDM include: 1) Families are regarded as...
In 2021, the HMG National Center embarked on a project to explore and enhance the capacity of states and territories to improve the collection, management, interpretation, and dissemination of data related to developmental progress and early identification of young children...
As co-host of the 2023 HMG National Forum, HMG North Texas presented a block of sessions featuring key partnerships that support their HMG system. Sessions were originally presented live at the 2023 Forum’s In-Person Summit on October 12 in Fort...
Session Description: Nearly two years ago, the Connecticut Office of Early Childhood started offering Sparkler statewide to make developmental screening, promotion, and linkage to services universal for Connecticut families with children 0-5 years old. Since it was rolled out statewide,...
Description 1st Five, the state-level organizing entity for HMG Iowa, is focused on improving rates of developmental surveillance and developmental screening tool usage in primary care well-child exams. Practice change is difficult, and partnership with primary care providers to incorporate...
Session Description In this presentation, HMG Western New York will highlight the relationship building and outreach efforts that have allowed them to expand rural partnerships in order to implement early childhood screenings and HMG Centralized Access Point access in a...
Session Description Through a rural approach, HMG Tehama provides families multiple on-ramps to access as well as culturally-relevant relationships and resources connections. Two collaboratives help to strengthen the HMG system, increase access to developmental screening data, and increase relationships between...
Help Me Grow Florida created this fandeck in response to the updated CDC Milestones and its addition of 15-month and 30-month milestones. In making updates, the affiliate identified the need for an educational tool for older children served, and so...
BY MORGAN REISS The Help Me Grow National Center, in partnership with the Association of University Centers on Disabilities, is proud to announce the release of A Roadmap for Advancing Family-Engaged Developmental Monitoring (FEDM). Family-engaged developmental monitoring is an intentional...