This panel discussion included three Help Me Grow Affiliates’ from California, Connecticut, and Vermont who shared their experiences related to a multi-city pediatric outreach project designed to increase practices’ capacity to address family mental health issues, including maternal depression. PRESENTERS:...
Screening & Surveillance Archives | Page 5 of 8
Learn how the innovative approaches of HMG Orange County and HMG Vermont to strengthen the integration of HMG developmental surveillance and screening efforts within early care and education settings in partnership with QRIS state leadership are currently being refined and...
This interactive workshop provided a comprehensive framework that defines elements critical to high-quality developmental screening practices and systems. Participants heard how the framework was created, how it was used in San Francisco, and will have an opportunity to apply their...
Through lecture, interactive activity, and small workgroups, Help Me Grow Utah and Help Me Grow South Carolina will provide detailed overviews of community-based screening events, partnerships, including strengths, challenges, and modifications made based on data and caregiver feedback. Additional Materials:...
From 2010 to 2015, Help Me Grow Utah collected data on children who were scored on more than one ASQ. This research project compares the first ASQ score of children taking more than one ASQ with their most recent score...
This report highlights the policy issues surrounding the need for universal developmental screening. Further, as developmental screenings are only effective if they lead to services for children that need them, this report also gives background information and best practices on...
Alameda County, CA In Fall 2015, a survey designed to support program quality improvement efforts was conducted with 62 parents/caregivers who had enrolled their child in Help Me Grow Alameda County’s Developmental Screening Program (DSP). The program provides parents and...
Alameda County, CA In 2014, Help Me Grow Alameda County (HMG) partnered with Alameda County Public Health Women, Infants and Children (WIC) to introduce the use of developmental checklists at WIC sites in Alameda County, California. Looking to enhance its...
Birth to 5: Watch Me Thrive! was created as an unprecedented multi-faceted initiative, coordinated by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and the U.S. Department of Education1, to encourage the celebration of developmental milestones, promotion of universal developmental and...
This webinar hosted by the Help Me Grow National Center features a conversation with national experts to discuss a study on the effectiveness of centralized, telephone-based developmental screening and care coordination for families of children with developmental or behavioral concerns....