Check out the timeline below for upcoming HMG Fidelity Assessment key dates: Contact Melissa Miller with any questions. Webinars and Recordings For questions, please contact Melissa Miller
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As an early adopter of the HMG Model, the Orange County HMG system was established in 2005 and was the first site in the nation to replicate the HMG Model established statewide in Connecticut in 2002. Using the Results-Based Accountability™...
BY: MELISSA MILLER “Not everything that can be counted counts. Not everything that counts can be counted.” – William Bruce Cameron, Sociologist, Informal Sociology: A Casual Introduction to Sociological Thinking Having worked in the measurement and evaluation field for over...
Session Description: Aligning data and technology to achieve system goals is a foundational challenge for improving systems of care. Developing a Data-Information-Knowledge-Action-Results (DIKAR) Pathway can align system goals and the data needed to drive improvement. Attendees will exit the session...
Session Description: You value what you measure, and you measure what you value. The early childhood field has traditionally relied on measures that may not reflect the lived experiences in the homes, learning environments, and clinical access and encounters of...
Watch the new video from the Help Me Grow National Center, featuring Help Me Grow founder, Dr. Paul H. Dworkin. The talk helps to explain what the Help Me Grow Model is, how it came to be, the problems...
Session Description: Join us for a panel discussion highlighting the important role of parents in early childhood system building. Presenters: This session was moderated by Help Me Grow Executive Director Kimberly Martini Carvell, and featured early childhood leaders from: Allison...
Session Description: Beginning in 2010, the Indiana University School of Medicine (IUSM) Department of Pediatrics sponsored an annual learning collaborative of statewide pediatricians to standardize developmental screening and follow up of at-risk children. Cumulatively, over 125 pediatricians have participated in...
Session Description: The Cradle-to-Career Fresno County ASQ-3 Pilot Dashboard is a collaborative effort of three agencies in Fresno County – Fresno County Superintendent of Schools, Fresno Unified School District, and Firebaugh-Las Deltas Unified School District. This effort provides a regional...
Session Description: An essential component of the First Connections program is to reach underserved communities and ensure equitable access to developmental information and resources. As First Connections has evolved, we have harnessed the promising practices, lessons learned, and accomplishments achieved...