Data Collection & Analysis Archives | Page 7 of 7
Overview & Purpose of this document: 1) To provide a general overview of the data collection and reporting application that was specifically designed and implemented by Help Me Grow in Orange County, CA 2) To learn about this cost effective way of having...
This 2014 report explores the following questions: How much is the program doing? How well is Help Me Grow CT doing? Is anyone better off as a result of utilizing Help Me Grow CT? It also examines Help Me Grow CT’s Ages & Stages Child...
Provides information on the HMG database developed by HMG Utah
Summit held on October 13 & 14, 2011
A 2010 presentation from HMG Connecticut focusing on data collection and evaluation between 2007 and 2009. *Note that references in this presentation to “Common Indicators” are out-of-date and the National Center released updated Data Collection & Reporting Guidelines in 2017. ...
KEY POINTS Telephone access points are efficient ‘‘one-stop shopping’’ vehicles for accessing timely and appropriate services for children and their families. Telephone access points for assistance with developmental or behavioral issues of children (such as Connecticut’s Help Me Grow program)...