1.1: Peeling Back the Onion- Using Family Systems Theory to Better Engage Families and Understand Child Development
Lynn Pullano
Robert Perelli
Take a novel look at child development from the lens of the family “ecosystem.” Gain invaluable insights useful in interpreting developmental screening results, engaging families of all backgrounds, and achieving successful follow-up. This is a unique opportunity to explore how to strengthen family protective factors using Family Systems Theory.
1.2: Reach Out and Read and Help Me Grow - Working Together in the Medical Home
Nikki Shearman
A panel presentation of local stakeholder experience of collaborations between Reach Out and Read and Help Me Grow in local communities and a discussion to consider strategies for collaboration for collective impact, determine what is successful, what data and evaluation is required.
1.3: Family Engagement and Collaboration in a Rural Area
Ellen Taetzsch
Rachel Hunter, Stacey Sanderson, Molly Oglesby
“Family engagement” is a phrase often heard but difficult to achieve. In this session you will hear about successes and failures that one rural region in Vermont experienced to promote Help Me Grow among providers and caregivers. Learn how organizations collaborated and share your own stories in this interactive session.
1.4: Dad to the Bone- Engaging Fathers in Child Development
Kaela Wright
Sam Anderson, Richard Colon, Quinn Wright
This session highlights the effort of the Dads of Wayne Network to engage Dads in the HMG process through father-lead, personality driven education forums and community meetings and includes Q&A with the Dad to the Bone Podcasters focusing on providing Dad informed solutions to programs meeting Fatherhood Initiative challenges.
1.5: Supporting Vulnerable Families and Children in Partnership with Social Services Departments
Gerald Smith
Brooke Nigro, Meghan Lutz
Through a combination of presentation and small group work, we will explore how HMGWNY built relationships with Erie County, NY and Niagara County, NY Social Services Departments to address specific challenges faced by families with young children who are engaged in low-income, child protective, foster care, and child care programs.
1.6: Connecting Families and Communities - Kansas Approach to HMG Installation
Rebecca Gillam
Teri Garstka
In this interactive session, we will explore three key elements of Kansas’ systems building work: 1) an innovative tool, Integrated Referral and Information System (IRIS), to enhance and expand care coordination; 2) change management strategies to shift mindsets; and, 3) effective partnership building using collaboration data to drive systems development.
1.7: The Parents Have Spoken- Behavior Change vs. Counseling
Catherine Miller
The Triple P – Positive Parenting Program ® is a parenting and family support system designed to prevent – as well as treat – behavioral and emotional problems in children and teenagers. It aims to prevent problems in the family, school and community before they arise and to create family environments that encourage children to realize their potential.
1.8: Collaborating with CDCs Learn the Signs. Act Early. to Increase Parent-Engaged Developmental Monitoring
Alexandra Goldberg
Julia Abercrobmie, Lorraine Cragan-Sullivan, Stephanie Orrico, Carmen Wenger
The Triple P – Positive Parenting Program ® is a parenting and family support system designed to prevent – as well as treat – behavioral and emotional problems in children and teenagers. It aims to prevent problems in the family, school and community before they arise and to create family environments that encourage children to realize their potential.
1.9: Measuring Parent and Caregiver Experience with Help Me Grow- Satisfaction, Protective Factors, and the Needs-Met Concept
Erin Cornell
Sally Morris-Cotes, Marcia Hughes, Barbara Leavitt
Help Me Grow affiliates are leveraging a wide variety of methodologies to explore how to best measure parent experience with Help Me Grow. Join this session to learn about existing approaches and contribute to a broader dialogue about how best to apply what we’re learning.
2.1: Supporting Pediatric Primary Care Sites to Promote the Protective Factors
Abby Alter
Angelina Montgomery, Laura Bernard
This session focuses on how 3 Help Me Grow affiliates went beyond developmental screening to support pediatricians in promoting the protective factors with their patients. The session will include discussions related to implementation and lessons learned from a quality improvement project to improve provider/patient discussions of the protective factors.
2.2: Follow the Leader- Leadership Team Management in Collective Impact
Melissa Passarelli
Lynn Pullano, Liz Isakson
This session will explore the role, scope and representation of a successful Help Me Grow Leadership Team and what it means for your system by using the examples of two diverse affiliates in New York: Western New York and Long Island.
2.3: Understanding Learning Collaboratives and Engaging Pediatric Practices
Lea Passage
Dennis Kuo
Learning collaboratives can help support initiatives in pediatric primary care by allowing diverse teams to effectively engage one another to work together to address a common problem. We will discuss how an early childhood learning collaborative can effectively engage pediatric practices as partners to improve early childhood outcomes.
2.4: Early Childhood Socialemotional Development to Promote School Readiness
Danielle Galenski
Meghan Guinnee, Jaimee Ferraro
Participants will learn about social-emotional development of children and partnering with school districts, teachers, and community agencies to take a holistic approach to child development, using screening tools and social-emotional curricula and programs to promote school readiness.
2.5: Serving Families through Community and Statewide Partnerships - the Help Me Grow Alaska Model
Tamar Ben-Yosef
Carmen Wenger, Matt Hirschfeld
We will discuss several key partnerships with a focus on HMG’s partnership with the Early Childhood Comprehensive Systems program. Early Learning (QRIS), and our shared resource directory. Using our Year One data, we will discuss how it can guide local priorities and help identify additional opportunities for partnerships to elevate existing services provided in the community
2.6: All Hands on Deck- A Collaborative and Strengthen-based Approach for Training Successful Care Coordinators
Jaquely Norton
Yvette Nunez, Deanna Parga
This workshop will provide a fundamental understanding of how a collaborative and strength-based training approach can create successful outcomes for care coordinators. We will provide guidance, outlines and next steps to help affiliates reflect on their current training processes and identify key strengths within their existing Help Me Grow structure.
2.7: Building and Sustaining Systems of Care for Young Children and Families in Santa Clara County, CA
Thanh Do
This session will provide an overview of how FIRST 5 Santa Clara County developed a comphrensive, high quality universal developmental screening system with connection to early intervention services. This presentation will describe how an agency can partner with local partners to leverage resources from their County Board of Supervisors, County Departments, Medi-Cal/Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnosis and Tteatment (EPSDT), and Maternal and Child Health Block Grant to sustain thwir system of care, inclusing rigorous evaluation, common assessment tools and prodessional development.
2.8: Planning an Analysis of the Return on Investment for Help Me Grow
Melissa Bailey
Erin Cornell, Paul Dworkin, Sarah Rabot
Over the next three years, the Help Me Grow National Center will be working with the Center for Health Care Strategies to conduct a comprehensive analysis of the return on investment associated with Help Me Grow. Join this discussion to contribute to the design and development of a conceptual model to support the study.
2.9: Achieving Spread and Scale- Strategically Positioning the HMG Organizing Entity
Sharon Beaudoin
Stephanie Orrico
This session will outline HMG Washington’s scale and spread strategy and their experience to date transitioning to the role of state coordinators for multiple HMG systems.
3.1: Driving Equitable System Improvement Through Broad-based Outreach and Engagement
Tatsuko Go Hollo
Amanda Winters
This session will share learnings from King County, Washington’s 2-year, 3-phase Universal Developmental Screening and Referral Landscape Analysis, Strategic Planning and Implementation project that launched in February 2018. Panelists will present findings and data from the year-long landscape analysis and engage attendees in a conversation about the strategies implemented for broad-based, diverse stakeholder outreach and engagement that might be replicated in other communities.
3.2: Indiana Partnerships and Collaborations through HMG
Shannon Garrity
Cynthia Smith
- Understand collaboration among state agencies and use of blended funding
- Develop strategies to create relationships among consistent and unique partners
Create opportunities to measure implementation and fidelity to evidence-based models
3.3: Trauma Now What - Using Reflective Strategies to Empower Parents
Natasha Almonte
Kelly Swann
“Trauma” What now! Using Reflective Strategies/Questioning to empower providers working with families. This session will be both experiential and informative in nature and will provide participants with the basics of reflective strategies.
3.4: How Local Health Departments support Maternal and Child Health
Janice Jenosheck
Lisa Chester, Elise Pignatora, Laurie Schoenfeldt
Niagara County Department of Health representatives will share how various programs and services in a local health department promote child development alongside the Help Me Grow model. Collaborations, challenges, and successes will be explored. Q&A will take the form of a panel to address areas of interest to session attendees.
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Handout 2
3.5: Let’s Reach Them! Raising Developmental Screening Awareness in Vulnerable Communities with Pop Level Data
Rebecca Hernandez
Tiffany Alva
Discover how First 5 Orange County and Help Me Grow Orange County utilized the population Early Development Index data to implement a developmental screening public awareness campaign to target the most vulnerable communities and bring awareness and inform parents and the public about the value of developmental screenings.
3.6: The Basics of Survey Design - Creating the Means to Collect the Data You Need
Sally Morris-Cote
This workshop will build the skill and confidence of HMG affiliates in designing surveys in-house that can be used to gather valid, reliable information. Affiliates are asked to attend in teams of two or more, ready with a research question that can be answered through the collection of survey data.
3.7: Leveraging Medicaid to Improve Outcomes for Children and the role of HMG
Kate Breslin
Liz Izakson
In 2017 New York State convened a workgroup to generate recommendations to improve long-term, cross-sector outcomes for young children on Medicaid. This session will present information on how the First 1000 Days initiative leveraged Medicaid to improve services for children and families and the role of HMG in that effort.
3.8: Help Me Grow and Home Visiting Integration- Opportunities for Collaboration and Sustainability
Lorraine Cragan-Sullivan
Amber Shrenkel, Jackie Newson
Join South Carolina and West Virginia in an interactive workshop designed to explore integration of the Help Me Grow model into the home visiting system. Participants will develop implementation and sustainability strategies to share with their affiliate.
4.1: A Trauma-Informed (TI) Approach to Family Resource Coordination
Whitney Mendel
Gerald Smith, Mickey Sperlich
This interactive workshop will introduce the 6 principles of a Trauma-Informed (TI) approach and facilitate an opportunity for those in a Care Coordinator role to apply the TI principles to their day-to-day interactions with families and providers.
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Handout 5
Handout 6
Handout 7
Handout 8
4.2: Designing a System to Meet Local Needs - Community Planning to Prevent Child Abuse and Neglect
Kate Ginn
Sharon Beaudoin, Stephanie Orrico
Since 2018, a community planning process in Pierce County, Washington has brought together over 130 partners to design a local system targeted at reducing the crisis of young children entering foster care. By ensuring that all parents have the support they need, Help Me Grow provides a framework that can be adapted to address local needs.
Activity 1
Activity 2
4.3: Failing Forward and Maximizing Impact - How to Get on the Same Page with Early Childhood Partners When You are In A Different Book
Colleen Murphy
Elizabeth Cote
Come to this session to learn more about how states and communities can leverage components of the Help Me Grow model to strengthen partnerships and enhance early childhood systems building efforts. The session will focus also focus on strategies to identify partnership challenges and course correct to increase alignment between partners.
4.4: Implementing Help Me Grow in a Trauma-Informed Early Childhood Program with At-Risk Children and Families
Ashley Kowalyk-Mychajliw, MSW
Kim Stewart
Explore how HMG strengthens early care and community-based programs, improving child behavior, family involvement and sustainability. Learn about a unique, trauma-informed early childhood program within a Social Service agency that integrates HMG and dyadic adult-child components to address extraordinarily challenging behaviors in children, many engaged with the Child Welfare system.
4.5: Embedding the HMG System into Child Care, Pre-Kindergarten, and Higher Education
Dr. Lynnette Haley O’Steward
In this interactive workshop, participants will learn how to replicate a successful approach utilized by Niagara University’s Niagara QIP and institutions of higher education to embed HMG into the early childhood community and higher education. Participants will walk away with an action plan to embed HMG within their own communities.
4.6: Differentiated Family Engagement
Susanna Schenk
DFE is an EPIC copyrighted framework intended to help school based management teams, afterschool/agency staff, school and district leaders, teachers and parent advocates, and community leaders understand the goals and strategies for family engagement. This workshop will guide participants in understanding that a “one size fits all approach” to engaging families leaves a large majority of parents out of the picture.
4.7: Integrating Title V Data into Early Childhood Integrated Data Systems (ECIDS)
Paige Bussanich
Kate Taft
Using data to evaluate the impact of programs on systems of care are essential goals of Title V and HMG programs. The purpose of this workshop is to identify opportunities for cross-system collaboration between Title V & HMG Programs to support data integration for optimal early childhood development outcomes.
4.8: Opportunities for Relationship Building and Cross-Systems Integration Between Health Care and Early Learning Providers
Janet Killburn
Beverly Boget, Tanya LaChapelle, Lauren Smith
This interactive session will focus on strategies for enhancing relationships between child health and early care and learning providers. Background on innovative outreach strategies and developmental promotion training will be shared. Participants will engage in activities that will facilitate goal setting to support replication with their respective affiliates and partners.
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Handout 4