Collaboration and Action to Improve Child Health Systems: Toolkit for State Leaders provides an approach to mapping the child health system in a state so state leaders can better envision the flow of services and funding that support access to...
Help Me Grow Blog | Page 21 of 22
Highlights from Mr. Heckman’s full letter on the importance of investing in early childhood: Early childhood development deserves more resources, not less. Investments in quality early childhood development more than pay for themselves. We can gain money by investing early...
This brief article by Judith Meyers addresses the importance of attending to health as part of a comprehensive approach to school success and the role funders can play in advocating for and supporting this work. Ms. Meyers’ article has also been...
A new online tool shows the percentage of children under age six in each state who are experiencing serious risks to their development. The National Center for Children in Poverty (NCCP) has created the interactive Young Child Risk Calculator with...
This Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) report examines efforts to build state-integrated early learning and development systems for children, across six themes: leadership; data usage; quality improvement; community partnerships; physical and behavioral integration; and children with multiple...
The National Institute for Health Care Management (NIHCM) Foundation has launched a new Promising Practices in Maternal and Child Health (MCH) Program to recognize emerging and promising programs or policies in MCH, promote program replication and new collaborations, and create...
States and the New Federal Home Visiting Initiative: An Assessment from the Starting Line presents a picture of the national landscape of state-administered home visiting and provides recommendations for policymakers. The report is based on a survey of agency leaders...
On July 11, 2011, HHS published two proposed rules. The first outlines a framework to help states build health insurance exchanges and the second rule addresses standards related to reinsurance, risk corridors and risk adjustment to assure stability in the...
The 2011 State Medicaid Fact Sheets, a joint effort of the National Association of Children’s Hospitals (N.A.C.H.) and the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), provide key data to demonstrate the importance of the Medicaid program to children and children’s hospitals....
The Orange County Register covers the work of Help Me Grow-OC: “Parents make a wrenching, critical call”