Presentation Slides Help Me Grow Alameda County 1-Pager
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To create meaningful change in the lives of children, youth, and families, efforts to build and improve early childhood systems must start with longevity in mind. Participate in this interactive session and explore how four key factors-Monitor and Feedback, Community...
This webinar from Help Me Grow San Joaquin presents the county’s approach to engage new and novel partners in efforts to enhance their Family & Community Outreach efforts. This webinar also includes an outline of the HMG SJ system model...
Participants will engage with authors of the Birth to Five: Watch Me Thrive! initiative to explore opportunities and strategies to leverage their partnership with HMG, as well as related resources, and current projects and priorities of these federal agencies to...
The “Inland Empire” counties cover 27,400 square miles with a population of 4 million of which many rural and remote communities left under-served. HMG Inland Empire identifies those communities and addresses the needs of young children via collaboration between First...
This interactive session will focus on building and maintaining partnerships for system expansion. Background on Vermont outreach innovations, data collection and quality improvement activities will be shared. Participants will engage in small group discussions and cooperative activities to strategize how...
First 5 Association will share recommendations for developing a network strategy aimed at influencing policy for improving early childhood systems of care. First 5 staff will introduce participants to the First 5 2018 Policy Agenda, our statewide networking strategy and...
States are reforming health systems to improve population health. Help Me Grow contributes to population health by supporting health and developmental promotion, early detection, and connections to support services. This panel discussion will highlight the integration of Help Me Grow...
Participants will engage in a facilitated networking session to identify the attributes and outcomes that make HMG attractive to potential funders and sustainability stakeholders at the federal, state and local levels. Strategies for promoting the benefits and outcomes associated with...
First 5’s Help Me Grow Fact Sheet presents statistics related to Early Identification and Intervention, highlights Help Me Grow as a viable solution to improve California’s EII system and calls on California leadership to take action to ensure every young...