This session explored the collective lessons learned in family engagement, care coordination, community linkages, and equity from exemplary programs participating with the Child and Family Policy Center Health Equity and Young Children’s initiative. These programs/models have a long history of...
Family & Community Outreach Archives | Page 8 of 14
First 5 Association will share recommendations for developing a network strategy aimed at influencing policy for improving early childhood systems of care. First 5 staff will introduce participants to the First 5 2018 Policy Agenda, our statewide networking strategy and...
Come, learn, share and build your Family Engagement (FE) resource toolkit! HMG-NJ/ ECCS Impact State Team and Parent Leader will highlight the importance, examples, and strategies of FE at all levels of the Continuum. Learn to “Coalesce Around Issues” to...
Baby Step’s PI Julie Kientz shared their recent research study results and discussed how Baby Steps-a digital baby book using texting, mobile phones, and social media-can broaden your support for parents, normalize developmental surveillance, and create another connection to early...
Join researchers from the University of Washington’s Institute for Learning and Brain Sciences (I-LABS) & the Barnard Center for Infant Mental Health and Development who will co-present on the latest in research on brain science and its implications for child...
Come see how Help Me Grow is embedded in WithinReach’s Family Health Hotline. Learn how their cross-trained team helps families navigate child-related topics like milestones, early intervention and screening, while addressing broader family needs like health insurance, food security and...
The session focuses on an overview of the partnership between the Vroom initiative and King County Best Starts for Kids. Vroom integration is a key element of the approach to building a Help Me Grow system in King County, working...
The purpose of the focus group discussions was to obtain feedback regarding the monthly Networking Breakfasts, sponsored by Help Me Grow Utah. hose invited to participate in the focus group discussions were past attendees of the Networking Breakfasts. A total...
Birth to 5: Watch Me Thrive! was created as an unprecedented multi-faceted initiative, coordinated by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and the U.S. Department of Education1, to encourage the celebration of developmental milestones, promotion of universal developmental and...
Join Family Voices and HMG partners from Vermont and New Jersey for a discussion on family leadership and engagement. Presenters will share successes in and strategies for engaging diverse family members in participation and leadership roles, and examine how this...