Description: Discover how Help Me Grow Maine developed an innovative model to meet the need for increased developmental screening opportunities across the state. Learn how we used community data to drive outreach and engage local partners; hear how our practices...
Continuous Quality Improvement Archives
Description: New Jersey (NJ) has been a Help Me Grow (HMG) affiliate since 2012. NJ has used the HMG model to guide the work of NJ’s statewide central access point system, Connecting NJ (CNJ). In 2019, NJ state-level leadership in...
Description: Explore how Help Me Grow Florida, a multi-system state, collects and utilizes data to drive the creation of reports and continuous quality improvement plans. Presenters: Ashley Houk Help Me Grow Florida/Children’s Forum Data Coordinator Watch the Session Recording View...
Beginning in 2022, the HMG National Center piloted a new framework to advance goal concordant care through implementation of the HMG Model. Under the pilot project, 12 HMG affiliates tested and refined ways that HMG staff could partner with parents...
This study, shared by HMG Wisconsin, was conducted by UW Madison for the Department of Children and Families and looked at the promising practices that are supporting early childhood transitions. The project sought to understand how communities can better support...
Description: This presentation highlights results from a recent survey by HMG Santa Barbara with input from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and HMG California systems to learn how affiliates utilize the CDC’s “Learn the Signs. Act Early.” (LTSAE) materials....
Description: This session will focus on the OC Children’s Screening Registry as an impactful solution for improving engagement and collaboration between child health care providers, community-based organizations, school districts, and families. The creation and implementation of this countywide Registry will...
Description: This session will share the HMG Western New York data dashboard and explain how it was created and is being leveraged to support community change. Presenters will use the dashboard to answer questions frequently posed by HMG Western New...
Session Description This session will focus on the OC Children’s Screening Registry as an impactful solution for improving engagement and collaboration between child health care providers, community-based organizations, school districts, and families. The creation and implementation of this countywide Registry...