I now realize that I have long subscribed to the notion of “a good-enough childhood,” both in my personal life and my work as a developmental-behavioral pediatrician. My underlying belief is that most children who experience a nurturing, warm, motivating...
What's Dr. Dworkin Reading Archives
I am privileged to serve on the Leadership Council of the North Hartford Triple Aim Collaborative, an important, place-based initiative to promote the health and well-being of all residents of Hartford’s most disadvantaged neighborhoods. In preparation for an upcoming meeting,...
I often characterize my career as the relentless pursuit of the answer to the question, “How do we strengthen child health services to promote children’s optimal healthy development?” I typically view this work in 3 stages: early efforts during the...
By Paul Dworkin, MD Authors of Can Measures Change the World? are challenging us to not measure more, but instead focus our collective efforts on finding measures that accurately represent systems (the whole). Little attention or energy is dedicated to...