Manual Archives | Page 3 of 5
This document shares standards and instructions related to Help Me Grow visual branding including the logo identity system, logo fonts and colors, logo incorrect usage, logo dimension and placement, and colors and fonts for digital and print use. For questions...
This Data DIctionary was created to provide clear definitions for data entry within the STAR System database, and to maintain consistency within our data collection process.
Books, Balls, and Blocks is a family engagement strategy developed by Help Me Grow Utah to utilize a community setting to promote developmentally appropriate play, positive parenting, and developmental screening among families, while raising awareness of Help Me Grow. This...
Full Help Me Grow Manual *Note: The Help Me Grow Manual was developed in 2014; certain pieces may have been updated since development and any indicated policies are not binding. For current benefits and responsibilities of affiliation, see current year...
What Is A Care Coordination Collaborative? Care Coordination (CC) Collaboratives are comprised of people from the all the sectors related to early childhood development: care coordination, health, early childhood care and education, family advocacy, law, home visiting programs, state agencies, and more. They...
*Note: The Help Me Grow Manual was developed in 2014; certain pieces may have been updated since development and any indicated policies are not binding. For current benefits and responsibilities of affiliation, see current year Help Me Grow Affiliation Agreement.
*Note: The Help Me Grow Manual was developed in 2014; certain pieces may have been updated since development and any indicated policies are not binding. For current benefits and responsibilities of affiliation, see current year Help Me Grow Affiliation Agreement.