From The Field

Strengthening Families Is Seeking Your HMG Input
How do you use the Strengthening Families Protective Factors Framework in your work? Where do you see needs and opportunities in your community to apply a protective factors approach? Please tell CSSP how you are using Strengthening Families and where you would like to take it next. CSSP wants to hear from you.

Video: Insights on Supporting Collective Impact
What advice do funders have regarding methods to sustain momentum and impact in cross-sector partnerships? Representatives from the Community Foundation for Greater Buffalo, Annie E. Casey Foundation, Ford Foundation, and The Hyams Foundation answer this question and more in this discussion from FSG’s 2017 Collective Impact Convening

Webinar: States, Early Education, and the Every Student Succeeds Act
Join the BUILD Initiative on Monday, November 6, at 3:30pm  EST, for Maximizing Federal Investments in Young Children Webinar Series: States, Early Education and the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA). The webinar will take a look at how advocates, state education agency staff, and national partners are leveraging the resources available to them through ESSA to shine a deeper spotlight on the needs of young learners.

Virtual Event: Bryan Stevenson: Disrupting the Cradle-to-Prison Pipeline
View the captivating Keynote Plenary from ZERO TO THREE’s 2016 Annual Conference, by Bryan Stevenson, MPP, JD from the Equal Justice Initiative. With stories and facts from his decades of experience defending children and adults caught within the criminal “justice” system, professor Stevenson recognizes the reality of the “cradle to prison” trap and suggests pathways to help with both intervention and policy ideas involving the youngest children and their families. This event will be held on October 26 at 2:00pm  EST and will not be archived, so be sure to register and attend live! 

Podcast: Veteran Demographer Talks Data on Kids and Families
In this episode of The Annie E. Casey Foundation’s CaseyCast, vice president of U.S. programs at the Population Reference Bureau, Linda Jacobsen discusses current demographic survey approaches, challenges and results, including a review of glaring statistical gaps, a call to disaggregate data and a look ahead at the 2020 census.

Policy Papers: High-Quality Early Care and Education
ZERO TO THREE and CLASP have released three papers making the case for investment in high-quality early care and education, as part of their Building Strong Foundations: Advancing Comprehensive Policies for Infants, Toddlers, and Families project. These papers on  Early Head Start, Child Care Assistance, and Early Intervention are three in a series describing 13 policies core to advancing infant-toddler wellbeing in four essential areas: healthy bodies, healthy minds, and healthy parents; economically stable families; strong parents; and high-quality child care and early education opportunities.

Policy Paper: Shifting Child Care Subsidy Administration to a Private, Centralized System
A new analysis from Child Trends study examines how Maryland’s new centralized and privatized method of processing and distributing child care subsidies and vouchers is helping Maryland meet new guidelines for the federal child care subsidy program. Under the new system, county-to-county differences in the length of vouchers nearly vanished and application periods became significantly longer.  

Resource Toolkit: Systems Thinking for Social Change
Bridgeway Partners has released four new resources that introduce foundations, grantees, public policy makers, corporate social responsibility managers, and consultants to systems thinking principles and tools for social change: 

  1. Podcast interview with Denver Frederick, host of The Business of Giving radio show
  2. Systems Thinking Concepts webinar series (9 hours of material)
  3. Systems Thinking Practice webinar series (6 hours of material)
  4. Systems Thinking for Social Change video of plenary presentation to the Social Impact Exchange 

Resources Toolkit: 2017 QRIS National Meeting
Tools, resources, and plenary recordings are now available from the BUILD Initiative and the QRIS Learning Network National Meeting Expanding Reach, Enhancing Impact, Advancing Equity. Download meeting resources here and watch the plenary recordings here.

News: HRSA Awards nearly $285M to Support the Nation’s Pediatric Health Workforce
The Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) today announced a total of approximately $285 million to 58 children’s hospitals through HRSA’s Children’s Hospitals Graduate Medical Education (CHGME) Payment Program in Fiscal Year 2017. The awards reflect an ongoing investment in the quality and preparation of the nation’s pediatric health workforce.

National Center News and Resources

Save the Date: 9th Annual Help Me Grow National Forum
The 9th Annual Help Me Grow National Forum will be held in Seattle, Washington on April 4 through 6 2018. Please join us for three full days of sessions and networking events. More details to come!

HMG to Advance Value-Based Payment Goals
The National Center is working to identify health care payment reform strategies that include HMG. With a critical shift toward value-based contracting, innovative programming and policy change rewarding health care providers with incentive payments for quality of care, the HMG system model can be a valuable strategy. Currently, payment reform and healthcare transformation are focused on the adult or high-utilizer populations, but the National Center proposes that pediatric healthcare transformation can serve as the demonstration for these broader payment reform efforts and be applied across the lifespan. Value based contracting is a part of the larger quality strategy to reform health care delivery and payment. This is an exciting opportunity for HMG, as we know that many affiliates are interested in exploring Medicaid reimbursement for their HMG system as indicated in the Implementation Approach Survey. Recently, the National Center had the opportunity to leverage the work of HMG CT, Orange County, CA and South Carolina to inform one state Medicaid transformation initiative. Affiliates are encouraged to engage the National Center for support on these types of transformative funding opportunities.

HMG National Presenting at Connecticut Public Health Association Conference
HMG National was selected to participate in the upcoming Connecticut Public Health Association Conference, ‘From Patient to Population Health: Disparities Matter’. As part of the presentation, HMG National will moderate a panel discussion of key community health leaders, with panelists reflecting on strategies communities can leverage to bridge health and community-based services. Through its’ integration with the Office for Community Child Health at Connecticut Children’s Medical Center, the HMG National Center benefits from partnership with a number of entities focused on integrating clinical services with community health efforts that afford communities the ability to advance local, “all sectors in” initiatives focused on promotion and prevention.

Fidelity Assessment
The HMG National Center would like to thank everyone who played a role in completing their system’s 2017 Fidelity Assessment. Your participation in this annual activity plays a critical role in the advancement of not only model implementation, but also the direction of the National Center and the Affiliate Network. Stay tuned for more information in response to this year’s assessment. 

Two-Part Child Health Provider Outreach Webinar Event
Join the National Center on November 14 from 3:00-4:00pm EST for Integrating Pediatrics Into Your Early Childhood System Building, the first of a two-part webinar event on the HMG Child Health Care Provider Outreach core component. This virtual event will feature HMG leads from Long Island and Alabama to discuss approaches to identifying and establishing auspicious partnerships and approaches to successfully carrying out essential component activities. This webinar is intended for those leading HMG efforts at the state and system level. Register Today.
Following the webinar, join us for the first-ever live HMG Community Conversation on Slack. This will provide a unique opportunity to interact with webinar presenters, National Center staff, and other webinar attendees from our affiliate network. Be sure to sign up to the HMG Slack channel in advance to take part in this live and interactive exchange of ideas.  

Affiliate Network News and Resources

New HMG Customizable Brochure
HMG affiliates can take advantage of a new marketing material in the form of a customizable brochure designed to explain how Help Me Grow works, why it matters, and highlight the four core components that co-operate to create the system model. Affiliates can customize the brochure to include their state or community name and other contact information.

Early Childhood Developmental Health System: Implementation in a High Need State Awarded
The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HRSA), Maternal and Child Health Bureau (MCHB), Division of Home Visiting and Early Childhood Systems released a Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) for fiscal year 2017 Early Childhood Developmental Health System: Implementation in a High Need State. The purpose of the program is to fund a study focused on improving child health through a statewide system of early childhood developmental screenings and interventions. The NOFO reinforced the core components of the HMG system model, including a collective impact approach to align and coordinate across early childhood systems at the state and community levels, to improve provider practices, and to establish shared metrics and measurement systems. The intended outcomes of the NOFO also align with HMG in the aims to increase rates of developmental screening for children ages of birth to 5 years, increase practices around developmental health promotion, and strengthen linkage to recommended follow-up services. The HMG National Center provided support to HMG Alabama, HMG South Carolina, and Mississippi in the development of their responses to the NOFO through efforts ranging from consultation to initiative design and quality improvement plans.

Congratulations to Mississippi on being selected for this award of $10.5 million over three years! The National Center looks forward to supporting MCHB and Mississippi in their efforts to drive improvement of early childhood developmental health promotion and child health outcomes across the state.

Well-Visit Planner Diffusion
In April 2017, HMG National distributed a Request for Proposal to the HMG National Network soliciting systems interested in joining a Community of Practice piloting implementation of the Well-Visit Planner (WVP). This tool helps parents customize well-child visits to their family’s needs and is a new approach to enhance HMG child health care provider outreach. Presently, six HMG systems (listed below) are participating in technical assistance and training from The Child & Adolescent Health Measurement Initiative and the HMG National Center, peer learning opportunities, and have begun sharing the WVP with families through their call center. Be on the lookout for updates as this Community of Practice explores this exciting innovation.

Community of Practice Participants:
South Alabama
San Francisco, California
Brevard, Florida
Orange County, Florida
Palm Beach, Florida
South Carolina

New Help Me Grow California Fact Sheet
First 5 Association has developed a new Help Me Grow Fact Sheet illustrating the challenge California faces regarding early identification and service referral, and why HMG is the solution. It includes graphics and statistics on Early Identification and Intervention in California, explains how Help Me Grow can improve a broken EII system, and calls on state leadership to take action to ensure every young child receives timely, periodic developmental and behavioral screening. 

New and Trending HMG Slack Conversations
HMG Contra Costa wants to know if you use email or conventional mail to conduct outreach or follow up with families via email or mail.
HMG Alaska is building its resource directory and wants to know what types of information you have found to be essential to yours.
Have thoughts for Contra Costa or Alaska? Do you have a question to ask the network? Log on to Slack and join the conversation.
If you haven’t joined the HMG National Slack channel, get started today!


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Log on to your affiliate dashboard and click ‘Share Your News’.



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