Centralized Access Point

The Centralized Access Point typically takes the form of a call center and more recently, an accompanying virtual service, that serves as the “go-to” place for family members, child health care providers, and other professionals seeking information, support, and referrals for children. Telephone and web-based services have proven to be effective primary points of access to community resources. They are cost-effective, easy to promote, efficient in identifying needs, and effective in supporting callers and triaging to appropriate services.

The Centralized Access Point connects children and their families to services they need through the efforts of HMG Care Coordinators, Centralized Access Point staff who work to provide education and support to families around specific developmental or behavioral concerns or questions, help families recognize typical developmental milestones, provide referrals to community-based supports, empower families overcome barriers to services, and follow up with them to make sure linkages are successful.

To ensure that callers feel safe, respected, and heard, the Centralized Access Point must be adequately staffed with individuals who are trained in telephone casework and cultural proficiency, and have backgrounds in child development.

Centralized Access Point Key Activities and Resources

The Basics

1. Centralized access point Manual Excerpt *Note: The Help Me Grow manual was developed in 2014; certain pieces may have been updated since development and any indicated policies are not binding. For current benefits and responsibilities of affiliation, see current year Help Me Grow Affiliation Agreement.

2. Functions of HMG Call Center

3. HMG 101: Centralized Access Point

Key Activity #1: Specialized Child Development Line

A specialized child development line – distinct from a general call line – which can be directly accessed by families and providers.

  1. Assessing Potential Call Centers
  2. HMG Utah Call Capacity Grid

Key Activity #2: Linkage to service & follow-up 

Capacity to facilitate connection to a variety of early childhood services and to follow-up with families at least 75% of the time (if consented by family) to ensure successful linkage.

  1. HMG Connecticut Protocol for Handling Calls

Key Activity #3: Researching Resources for Families

A systematic process to research available resources in the community.

  1. HMG Iowa Centralized Intake Best Practice Guide
  2. How Do You Identify: Multiple Approaches to Smart Needs Identification

Key Activity #4: real-time directory maintenance

An early childhood-specific HMG Resource Directory that is systematically updated at least annually and can be updated in real-time as ad hoc changes arise.

  1. Building a Successful Resource Inventory: Going Beyond Updates & Additions
  2. Resource Directory – HMG Utah Inclusion Policy