Get to Know an Affiliate is a blog series focused on building affiliate-to-affiliate connections and resource sharing. At the 10th Help Me Grow National Forum, Debra Dudack, Communications Manager at Connecticut Children’s Office for Community Child Health, sat down with...
HMG Forum Archives
The Help Me Grow National Forum is the annual convening of Help Me Grow (HMG) affiliates from across the country to discuss how we can collectively promote the optimal healthy development of young children across the country. When I first...
The day was a typical one. My daughters excitedly engaged in playtime, reading, and making a mess all over the house. Of course, they argued from time to time. There really were no signs that anything was amiss, until my...
We all read the headlines, horrified not only by the high lead levels found in children in Flint, Michigan, but also by the extent to which government officials who are supposed to protect the public apparently concealed the harm. Dr....