In 2022, Help Me Grow Florida developed a series of five advocacy videos to promote the HMG system to legislators, families, and prospective partners. One video is geared towards legislative advocacy to support our legislative request of additional funding that...
Family & Community Outreach Archives | Page 2 of 15
This HMG 101 presentation slide deck: Provides a level-set around why a solution like HMG is so needed; Introduces the HMG Model; Walks through the Core Components, Key Activities, and Structural Requirements of the Model; Highlights HMG’s unique value propositions...
Are you or any of your team members new to HMG? Could your team or core partners use an introduction or refresher on what HMG is and how they can tap into support from HMG National? This May 2024 session...
FEDM is defined as an intentional partnership of families and providers working to highlight a child’s developmental progress and identify opportunities for support and education for positive outcomes. The three essential attributes of FEDM include: 1) Families are regarded as...
As co-host of the 2023 HMG National Forum, HMG North Texas presented a block of sessions featuring key partnerships that support their HMG system. Sessions were originally presented live at the 2023 Forum’s In-Person Summit on October 12 in Fort...
Session Description: Nearly two years ago, the Connecticut Office of Early Childhood started offering Sparkler statewide to make developmental screening, promotion, and linkage to services universal for Connecticut families with children 0-5 years old. Since it was rolled out statewide,...
Description: HMG Wisconsin is working to empower families and guardians to be an active participant in their children’s lives including therapies and services, decision-making, and in identifying successes and progress. A Community Partnership Model with Family Access has developed a...
Description: This presentation highlights results from a recent survey by HMG Santa Barbara with input from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and HMG California systems to learn how affiliates utilize the CDC’s “Learn the Signs. Act Early.” (LTSAE) materials....
Description: This session will focus on the OC Children’s Screening Registry as an impactful solution for improving engagement and collaboration between child health care providers, community-based organizations, school districts, and families. The creation and implementation of this countywide Registry will...
Description The pandemic highlighted the struggles that families and providers have with accessing developmental and behavioral services and resources. The new Roadmap for Advancing Family-Engaged Developmental Monitoring offers a framework with tangible ways that systems can support the needs of...