Session Description:
Dramatic advances in our understanding of early brain development and child development, as well as health care reform’s focus on improving population health and well-being, encourage and inform opportunities to transform child health services. In recent years, innovators have designed and tested a variety of tools and processes to strengthen the pediatric well-child visit and maximize the capacity for child health providers to better engage parents. The intent is to ensure a family-led agenda, to successfully perform developmental promotion and early detection through surveillance and screening, and to ensure linkage of children and their families to community-based programs and services to address parents’ concerns and priorities. This session explores how to combine a comprehensive array of widely-used screenings, assessments and innovative tools into a single dynamic self-report interview, triggering flags that drive actions such as further evaluation, provider reporting with recommendations, parent reporting and education support, direct linkage and community wide information, and data sharing. The underlying model used to construct the interview is AI-based using a structured probability network. This makes the interview evidence-based, meeting the requirements of a medical setting. Being probabilistic, triggers to streamline and focus the dynamic interview can be based on practice data and concurrent validation. The depth and breadth of information can be used for better clinical decision support but the more important aspect is the flags and actions that get triggered, can be based on probabilistic evidence from practice data as well. Operationally, implementation can be largely automated, seamlessly integrated with the local EMR, further removing barriers to implementation in medical settings. Connection to community resources and services can be extended to include other screening sites enabling community wide data sharing and care coordination. This opens up opportunity for surveillance and population management, while keeping the work and cost distributed in self-sustaining sites and organizations.
When everything is hooked together, the Integrated Pediatric Support Platform (IPSP) can: 1) integrate multiple tools, each with the capacity to expand provider knowledge about the child and family; 2) allow the encounter to be guided by specific pre- screens and “triggers” that reflect family-driven priorities and maximize limited visit time; 3) enable electronic information sharing with relevant sectors and services; and 4) maintain knowledge of and facilitate access to relevant community-based supports. IPSP is currently being implemented as a prototype in a PDSA cycle in a Pediatrics Supporting Parents (PSP) grant.
1.Describe the purpose and impact of several tools that are designed to increase parent engagement with the well-child visit and strengthen pediatric capacity to promote children’s health and development
2.Learn different considerations and requirements necessary to integrate screening into medical
3.Learn and be able to apply effective technology-based strategies to bridge the gap between medical and non-medical services, enabling better collaboration between parents, providers and the community.
Alan D. Malik, Ph.D. President, Patient Tools, Inc
Scott Orsey, Associate Director for Operations, Business Strategy, & Institutional Engagement
Sara Sibley, Associate Director of Business Development & Operations, Help Me Grow® National Center
Session Recording
*Slides for this session were not made available by presenter