Advancing Goal Concordant Care Through
Help Me Grow Implementation
Most U.S. children who enter kindergarten are delayed in their health, social-emotional, and/or cognitive development. These gaps have been present for decades, yet early childhood systems have failed to close them. To foster optimal short- and long-term outcomes for young children, it is necessary to systematically elicit parents’ and caregivers’ goals and priorities, and establish partnership with them in creating pathways toward achievement of health and developmental goals for their children.
What does goal concordant care mean for early
childhood systems?Goal concordant care is a strengths-based approach to eliciting parents’ goals for their child’s well-being that elevates families’ goals as drivers in the process of developmental promotion, early identification of concern, referral, and linkage.
The Help Me Grow National Center envisions early childhood systems that share power with the families they serve, are driven by co-developed goals, and enhance conditions for promoting equity and inclusiveness.
Project Overview
Over the last twenty-five years of HMG implementation, there has been an evolution in the approaches used to engage families, community-based partners, and child health care providers. Initial outreach and engagement efforts sought expertise from professionals who study communities and create policy recommendations. Then, in response to feedback such as “nothing for us without us”, community engagement activities increasingly began to solicit direct input from families with lived experience using tools such as surveys and focus groups. More recently, we have embraced a commitment to resourcing and supporting families in order to honor and compensate for their contributions in co-production and co-leadership. The HMG Model’s Key Activities provide multiple opportunities to integrate processes that can support parent/caregiver goal identification and elicitation, which then serve as the imperative for how HMG organizes its response and resources. We recognize that there is significant potential for goal concordant care to be an important driver for early childhood system transformation through HMG Model implementation. We are studying the application of goal-setting and goal-monitoring through HMG and the infrastructure it establishes, and the impact that goal-setting and monitoring has on advancing parent-identified priorities for family well-being and child health and development. At the end of this two year project, the HMG National Center and Affiliate Network will be well-positioned to further expand the authentic engagement of families and caregivers by incorporating a collaborative approach with families determining the desirable outcomes for HMG’s efforts. This project will identify, test, and refine ways in which HMG can support the systematic partnering with parents to co-define and prioritize their goals for their child, family and community. Through a request for participants to be released in spring 2022, the HMG National Center will select a small group of affiliates to participate in a year-long learning community consisting of leaders from affiliate backbone organizations, Core Component leads, and partnering pediatric primary care clinics. 1. Provide capacity building opportunities that support the Help Me Grow National Affiliate Network in efforts to design, implement, assess, and improve early childhood systems in authentic partnership with families. Project partners including University at Buffalo Motivational Interviewing Center (UBMIC), Be Strong Families, Center for the Study of Social Policy (CSSP) and Healthy Outcomes from Positive Experiences (HOPE) will offer capacity building opportunities and useful resources to the National Affiliate Network in order to broadly support HMG systems in leveraging critical opportunities to elicit family priorities and enable parents to co-determine goals of care with their providers. See Project Partners below for more. 2. Benchmark optimal Help Me Grow Model practices that promote regard for parent-led concerns and coordinate services to meet family goals. With CSSP, the HMG National Center will map existing performance measures to assess their functional equivalence with five Protective Factors: parental resilience, social connections, healthy parent-child dynamics, concrete supports as needed, and social and emotional growth (i.e., Strengthening Families Protective Factors Framework). 3. Establish an advisory workgroup to develop and refine the tools, methods, and technical assistance to help Help Me Grow affiliates and their clinical partners elicit and negotiate goals of care, document and monitor their progress, and assess care outcomes and goal-attainment. Project partners including UBMIC, Be Strong Families, and HOPE (see Project Partners below for more) will contribute expertise on: A) Outreach and engagement through parent-led, peer-to-peer support networks. 4. Implement, document, and disseminate new, promising Help Me Grow workflows. The HMG National Center will assess the impact of these new competencies on the experience of care from the standpoint of parents and their providers, and on affiliate performance from the standpoint of goal-attainment, shared decision-making, mutual accountability, and targeted universalism. A Framework for Advancing Goal Concordant Care through This framework is intended as a resource to support HMG affiliates leverage existing HMG infrastructure in order to effectively elicit parents’ goals for their child’s well-being and ensure those goals drive resource allocation, decisions, referrals and priorities for service delivery by all community-based providers working with a given family. Drawing on user-centered design and quality improvement methods, we will evaluate the impact of shared goal-setting and monitoring on HMG system implementation, as well as on provider and parent satisfaction. The study will illuminate parents’ perceived barriers and motivators for articulating and attaining goals as well as areas of alignment or tension between parent-stated priorities and institutional incentives and mandates. The study also aims to produce: The University at Buffalo Motivational Interviewing Center (UBMIC) CT Children’s Medical Center Practice Quality Improvement Program Small learning community comprised of HMG affiliates (to be determined via RFP HMG National Center hosted a series of webinars in January 2022 to introduce the project partners, their core principles, and how they support organizations and systems in integrating those principles. Partners each shared some key tools and resources that any HMG system might consider in their local efforts to advance goal concordant care. All HMG systems are highly encouraged to attend this full webinar series. In order to be eligible to apply to the learning community opportunity in 2022, HMG systems must attend all four of the project partner webinars. If unable to attend any of the sessions live, recordings will be available to view at a later date. Systems that do not expect to apply to the upcoming learning community are still highly encouraged to attend any or all webinars in this series as they will offer practical approaches, resources, and tools that may be applied in order to advance goal concordant care through HMG implementation. January 6, 2022 January 13, 2022 January 20, 2022 January 27, 2022 Through this learning community, the HMG National Center will study the impact of expanding a focus on parent-identified goals through the HMG Model to advance family engagement, family satisfaction, and achievement of parent/caregiver goals for child health and development and family well-being. At the end of this 12-month learning community, the HMG National Center and Affiliate Network will be better positioned to expand authentic engagement of parents and caregivers by incorporating a collaborative approach with families in determining desirable outcomes for HMG’s efforts. This project will develop, test, and refine the tools, infrastructure, protocols, workflows, and standards to elicit family goals and priorities and enable parents to co-determine goals of care with their providers. There are four branches of this learning community, each supported by a national partner organization leading the country in thinking and practice: FAMILY & COMMUNITY OUTREACH • BE STRONG FAMILIES • HMG Marin County, California CENTRALIZED ACCESS POINT • UBMIC • HMG Kansas CHILD HEALTH CARE PROVIDER OUTREACH • HOPE • HMG Butte County, California DATA COLLECTION & ANALYSIS • CSSP • HMG Alaska (Available to HMG affiliates only – contact your state/system lead for login access) In this October 30, 2024, webinar, the Learning Community shared take-aways from the multi-year project and what the 12 affiliates learned about partnering with families to strengthen systems of care and support.
What We Are Trying to Achieve
What We Are Doing
Our four overlapping objectives
B) Motivational interviewing techniques and approaches to elicit family-centered priorities and aspirations.
C) Family assessment techniques to emphasize positive childhood experiences in care planning.
D) Evaluation and outcome frameworks that correlate HMG with impacting the protective factors.
Our Framework
Help Me GrowDownload the Framework
Download the Work Group Report
Our Methods
Our Project Partners
This project is powered by partnership.
The Help Me Grow National Center is joined by:
Learn More About Goal Concordant Care
Goal Concordant Care: Parent’s Goals as Drivers for Help Me Grow – Panel session from HMG Forum 2021
Learning How We Can Best Use the Model to Advance Goal Concordant Care for Families with Young Children – Blog from Sarah Zucker
Reflecting on 25 Years of the Help Me Grow Model and the Future of Family Engagement – Blog from Dr. Paul dworkin & kimberly martini-carvell
Project Partner Webinar Series
Meet the Project Partners
Healthy Outcomes from Positive Experiences (HOPE)
Presentation Slides • Watch Webinar • Tools Any HMG Can Use
Be Strong Families
Presentation Slides • Watch Webinar • Tools Any HMG Can Use
Center for the Study of Social Policy (CSSP)
Presentation Slides • Watch Webinar • Tools Any HMG Can Use
University at Buffalo Motivational Interviewing Center (UBMIC)
Presentation Slides • Watch Webinar • Tools Any HMG Can Use
Learning Community Project Participants
Learning Community Branch
Capacity-Building Partner
Family & Community Outreach
Be Strong Families
Centralized Access Point
University at Buffalo Motivational Interviewing Center
Child Health Care Provider Outreach
Healthy Outcomes from Positive Experiences
Data Collection & Analysis
Center for the Study of Social Policy
HMG systems participating
• HMG Northwest Florida
• HMG District of Columbia
• HMG Long Island, New York State
• HMG Orange County, California
• HMG Oakland County, Michigan
• HMG Connecticut
• HMG Delaware
• HMG Utah
Study Findings
Read the Executive Summary
Read the Full Goal Concordant Care Final Report
Empowering Families, Enhancing Systems: New Findings from the HMG Goal Concordant Care Learning Community Webinar